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CI Contacts Listing/Profile

Deanne Designs
Alan R. Ptashek, MA, SEP®, CCHT
San Anselmo, CaliforniaUnited States
Phone #
(415) 924-2865 / Also available on Zoom/SkypeFacebook Address
121 San Anselmo Ave., Ste. 1708
San Anselmo, CA 94960CI Profile
Teaches Contact Improvisation since 1976
Year began CI:
1974First CI teacher/where
Nancy Stark Smith / SF Bay AreaOther important CI teachers/influences
Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson, Judson Church / Grand Union (Yvonne Rainer,, Reunion (S.Paxton, NSS, N.Little, D.Lepkoff, D.Woodberry, C.Siddall), Aikido, Tai-Chi, Chi Gung, Mabel Ellsworth Todd, André Bernard, Alexander Technique, Charlotte Selver and Charles Brooks, Body-Mind Centering, Moshe Feldenkrais, Lisbeth Marcher (Bodynamic Therapy), Peter A. Levine (Somatic Experiencing), Naropa Institute (Barbara Dilley, Lee Worley, The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche).Current CI projects
Ongoing research and writing about CI and other movement practices, relative to one's aging, mindfulness, resiliency and sustainment of our embodied spirit and creative life.Favorite CI websites, listservs, blogs
All inquiries and offerings regarding the very longstanding question, "What is CI?"Year born:
1950Languages you speak/read fluently
EnglishLanguages you speak/read a little
SpanishAdditional URLs (personal work, videos, writings, photos, etc.)
Contact at Tenth and Second, 1983, NYC:
The Exposed To Gravity Project, with Alan Ptashek and Bruce Curtis; The Moving Body - An Integrated Movement Course at The University of California, Berkeley, 1990: else you would like to communicate?
In my professional practice as a Somatic Therapist, teaching and training within the US and overseas, the guiding principles and natural intelligence of Contact Improvisation remains in my bones, viscera and muscle memory, serving to deepen the many layers of embodied presence within my personal and relational life, as well as with my clients, students and trainees, for whom I feel gratitude, warmth and utmost respect.