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About Us

Contact Collaborations, Inc.

Board of Directors
Daniel Lepkoff
Lisa Nelson
Steve Paxton
Elizabeth Zimmer
Nancy Stark Smith (1978-2020)

Daniel Lepkoff
Roger Neece
Lisa Nelson
Steve Paxton
Nancy Stark Smith
Christina Svane

CQ/CE Advisory Board
Chris Aiken
Shaina Cantino
James Dowling
Lesley Farlow
Sarah Lass
Marlene Wong
Sara Smith (consultant)
Marlon Barrios Solano (consultant)

Contact Collaborations, Inc. has served the international dance and improvisation community since 1978. It was founded as a nonprofit tax-exempt organization in New York State by a group of dance artists and teachers centrally involved in the origins of Contact Improvisation and other improvisational dance forms. Our mission is to promote and document artistic and educational activities in dance through creating publications, videotapes, symposia, workshops, and performances tracking the emergence and development of improvisational dance and new dance forms. It includes:

CONTACT QUARTERLY dance and improvisation journal, a vehicle for moving ideas.

CONTACT EDITIONS produces, publishes, distributes, and promotes non-periodical new dance literature.

VIDEODA archives, distributes, and produces videotapes of Contact Improvisation and other improvisational and new dance forms.

PERFORMANCE & WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE PROJECT organizes symposia devoted to the investigation, dissemination, and performance of contemporary movement work.

CC, Inc. is also registered in Massachusetts. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

P.O. Box 22
East Charleston, VT 05833

ph: 413-341-4113

site design by Ajitate
programming by Daniel Lepkoff
Contact Quarterly is the longest living, independent, artist-made, reader-supported magazine devoted to the dancer's voice in the field of contemporary dance and improvisation.

All content © 2023 Contact Collaborations, Inc.

images on banner from CQ covers
circle drawing courtesy George Manupelli

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