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Contact Quarterly dance journal Publications

CQ currently produces 2 ongoing online publications:

CI 50th ANNIVERSARY Newsletter (public access)
CQ's CI Newsletter publishes news and views of Contact Improvisation activities worldwide. Special Edition 2022 celebrates the 50th Anniversary of CI with writings, discussions, interviews, and videos that span the decades. Submissions welcome whenever they're ready.
Deadline: December 31, 2022

CQ Unbound (public access)
We welcome submissions year-round of in-depth original written material and media that offer an inside look at practice and creative work in contemporary dance, movement, improvisation, and somatics concerning dancing, performance, dancemaking, and teaching. Written formats include: essays, interviews, poems, fiction, photo essays, etc.—short or long. Send materials whenever they're ready.
Deadline: December 31, 2022

See Submission Guide below.

All published materials are copyrighted to the author(s). CQ will not republish in any form without your permission. Our online articles have a COMMENT section directly below them, waiting for your response and dialogue. Comments are reviewed before posting.

Email us for encouragement, suggestions, and other details.

Submission Guide

We invite a variety of content and formats. The editing process will vary from light to intensive depending on content.

  • We welcome:
  • Written material and photos/graphics
  • Media: video and audio
  • Links to online resources
  • To submit TEXTS: writing in all forms (formal, informal), interview transcripts, email exchanges, reports on events, panel discussions.
  • Send your text in a text document (Word, OpenOffice, preferred), or email.
  • Length: up to 4,000 words max (preferred)
  • Include: title, author, short contributor note with contact info: URL, email address (if you welcome direct correspondence from readers).
  • Let us know if your piece has previously been published in print or on the web, or is currently submitted elsewhere.
  • To submit PHOTOS & GRAPHICS
  • Photos and graphics to accompany articles are strongly encouraged.
  • Include caption(s) and full photographer/drawing credit(s) AFTER obtaining permissions from photog and subjects.
  • Photos: jpgs preferred. Resolution: 72 dpi is minimum; 300 dpi is max. If sending more than five images, please compress in a folder.
  • Drawings: Scan as greyscale. If black ink on white paper, at 300 dpi. Drawings with gray tones should be scanned at 600 dpi. Save as jpg.
  • PDFs of previously printed material are possible.
  • To submit MEDIA: video and audio
  • Send link to media files that are already uploaded on the web (youtube, vimeo, personal site, etc.).
    If you have original media that is not uploaded, please write to us before sending.
  • To submit LINKS TO public online RESOURCES: zoom events, podcasts, docs, blogs, etc.; and regularly updated informational hubs. NOTE: We are not acting as a bulletin board for one-time events.
  • the full link
  • the title and brief description or reflection of/on the content of the page.
  • name of author(s)/creator(s)
  • your name (and city-location, if desired) as submitter of link, or notate as 'found on the web.'


Thank you for your patience while we're working with a small staff these days. We greatly appreciate your submissions and WILL get back to you as soon as possible.

P.O. Box 22
East Charleston, VT 05833

ph: 413-341-4113

site design by Ajitate
programming by Daniel Lepkoff
Contact Quarterly is the longest living, independent, artist-made, reader-supported magazine devoted to the dancer's voice in the field of contemporary dance and improvisation.

All content © 2023 Contact Collaborations, Inc.

images on banner from CQ covers
circle drawing courtesy George Manupelli

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This searches Author Names and Keywords in titles and subtitles of CQ articles in print and online; contents of articles online; and our Contact Editions catalog of books and dvds. If you don't find what you're looking for, check your spelling or try a variation.

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Contact Quarterly/Contact Collaborations will use the information you provide here to be in touch with you and to provide updates on our activities and offerings. Our privacy policy includes never sharing your information with others. You can read our full privacy practices here. If you change your mind at any time, you can click the 'unsubscribe' link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or contact us at Thank you for joining us.

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