Internship Opportunity at CQ

CQ Vol 39.2 Summer/Fall 2014 chapbook 5. Cover image: HIJACK. Kristin Van Loon [lt] & Arwen Wilder, 1996. Photo © Bill Starr.
Contact Quarterly / Contact Editions dance journal and book publisher needs you! Join the CQ team and help our 45 year-old nonprofit organization continue to serve the world dance community. Learn about:
- Arts administration
- Nonprofit management
- Publishing dance writing
- The history of contact improvisation
- What’s going on today in contemporary dance around the world!
Explore the CQ archives. Discover the rich variety of dance writing. Possible tasks include:
- Assisting with the development of new publications
- Organizing and cataloging materials
- Internet research
- Transcribing interviews of artists
- Database work
Students and others welcome! Hours and schedule to be determined based on availability of applicant. Please note that this is ordinarily not a paid position.
To apply, send resume and brief letter of interest to
or to
Contact Quarterly
PO Box 603
Northampton, MA 01061
Questions? Contact us at .