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Any amount is greatly appreciated. See below to donate by check or money order. Thank you.
"I have seen CQ moving in directions that embrace, envelop, and encompass a generous span of performance endeavor, and it’s a wonder that this little project, started decades ago by a group of outliers, perseveres. But it’s no longer “the little engine that could": it can, and does! CQ widens/
broadens its tracks while maintaining integrity of purpose, means, and product."
–Brenda Dixon-Gottschild,
Professor Emerita of dance, Temple Univ.
"CQ is one of the few publications that brings us writing directly from the bones and sinews of dance, illuminating the practice as we do and understand it. Please support us as we continue to accompany you on your own dance journey, and as we re-envision our future. Your support is a critical part of the conversation.”
–Lesley Farlow, dance artist and movement educator, CQ Advisory Board
Lisa Nelson
Nancy Stark Smith (1975-May 2020)
CQ Staff
Contributing Editors: Colleen Bartley, Melinda Buckwalter, Rosemary Carroll, Sofia Engelman, Karen Nelson, Christina Svane
Archive & Special Projects: Lesley Farlow
Office/Operations Mgr:
Leah Fournier
Communications Mgr:
Sofia Engelman
Web Director: Lisa Nelson
Webmaster: Daniel Lepkoff
2020 Fundraising
Colleen Bartley, Leslie Cohen-Rubury, Margit Galanter, Peter Heller (consultant), K.J. Holmes, Kristin Horrigan, Karen Nelson, Lisa Nelson, Wendy Perron, Karen Schaffman, Christina Svane
CQ Advisory Board
Chris Aiken
Shaina Cantino
Lesley Farlow
Sarah Lass
Marlene Wong
Marlon Barrios Solano (consultant)
Sara Smith (consultant)
Contact Collaborations Board of Directors
Daniel Lepkoff
Lisa Nelson
Steve Paxton
Elizabeth Zimmer
Nancy Stark Smith (1952-May 2020)
info @ contactquarterly.com
Contact Collaborations, Inc., is CQ’s nonprofit 501(c)(3). Your donation may be tax-deductible.
Please join us in celebrating yet another year of adaptation and transition.
Our now fully remote staff continues striding toward CQ’s transition from in-print publication to expansive online resource and archive. Much energy this year has been put to creating our last full online publication: CI Newsletter Special Edition celebrating the 50th anniversary of Contact Improvisation.
This wealth of materials is a heartening sign of the resilience and optimism of our community of dance artists and enthusiasts. And we welcome your donations—large and small—to keep our vehicle for the dancer's voice accessible to all in the years to come!
With gratitude and warm wishes from all of us at CQ,
Lisa, Lesley, Sofia, Leah, Karen, and Daniel
Our CONTINUING GRATITUDE TO ALL who gave so generously to our 2020 appeal to fund CQ's Resource&Archive Site in honor of cofounder Nancy Stark Smith. We celebrate each of you here.
All payment methods welcome.
To pay by check or money order, fill out to 'Contact Quarterly'
and mail to:
Contact Quarterly
PO Box 603
Northampton, MA 01061
We welcome your questions and suggestions at:
info @ contactquarterly.com
Photo above: CQ coeditors Lisa Nelson [left] and Nancy Stark Smith, 1978.
Photo © Babette Mangolte