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Photo: Danza Contacto Puerto Rico

Gloria Llompart
Gloria Llompart
South Slope, Brooklyn, New York
United States
Phone #
CI Profile
Teaches Contact Improvisation since 1988
CI events/jams organizing
Bi-annual: CI/Composition/Improvisation/Somatic Movement workshops in San Juan,Puerto Rico.
Year began CI:
First CI teacher/where
Lisa Nelson - Wesleyan University
Other important CI teachers/influences
Robert Dunn Cynthia Novack Irene Dowd: Ideokinesis Simone Forti Danny Lepkhoff Judson Dance Theater Steve Paxton Laban Bartenieff Fundamentals Nancy Stark Smith (changing States & coaching) Afro-Caribbean music-dance-culture-rituals Yoga and energy healing therapies Metaphysics Quantum Physics Applied Kinesiology Movement Sciences Motor development based education Performanc Art Abstraction Quantum Physics Futurism Minimalism La Monte Young David Gordon Michail Baryshnikov Nam June Paik Elaine Summers: Kinetic Awareness work Budism - Hinduism Cuban Contemporary Dance Meredith Monk Somatic Approaches to Movement Education Universal Kabbalah Breath-Sound-Meditation-Movement Therapies Politics: defend equality, safety & freedom of choice for all life forms. Creative Collaboration Digital Arts
Current CI projects
- Workshop in Long Island NY Fall 2020, Teatro Yerbabruja. “Healing the Scars of the Colonization”. - Training Workshops in Puerto Rico, most likely 2021, when the pandemic is over. - Ongoing: “The Embodiment of Healing Sounds”. - “Somos Uno” Cuba 2021.
Favorite CI websites, listservs, blogs
Contact Quarterly
Year born:
Languages you speak/read fluently
Spanish English
Languages you speak/read a little
Italian Portuguese French
Additional URLs (personal work, videos, writings, photos, etc.)
Anything else you would like to communicate?
Thank you for your commitment!!!
P.O. Box 22
East Charleston, VT 05833
ph: 413-341-4113

site design by Ajitate
programming by Daniel Lepkoff
Contact Quarterly is the longest living, independent, artist-made, reader-supported magazine devoted to the dancer's voice in the field of contemporary dance and improvisation.

All content © 2023 Contact Collaborations, Inc.

images on banner from CQ covers
circle drawing courtesy George Manupelli

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