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CI Contacts Listing/Profile

Heike Kuhlmann
Berlin, BerlinGermany
URL for CI activities
www.heikekuhlmann.netCI Profile
Teaches Contact Improvisation since 2004
CI events/jams organizing
Suedsternjam, CI events for tall and small, Familyjams, Danceyourquestions, Pfingstjam in PotsdamCI events/jams regularly attending
Suedsternjam, Potsdamjam, Danceyourquestions, jams in BerlinYear began CI:
1998First CI teacher/where
Stephanie MaherOther important CI teachers/influences
Christine Mauch, Jess Curtis, Lucia Walker, Dieter Heitkamp, Rachel Lincon, Kathleen Hermsdorf, Nancy Stark Smith; Sarah Shelton MannCurrent CI projects
Dance your questions together with Elske Seidel and Gesine DanielsFavorite CI websites, listservs, blogs
www.ecite.orgYear born:
1974Languages you speak/read fluently
German, English, Spanish, PortugueseLanguages you speak/read a little
FrenchAdditional URLs (personal work, videos, writings, photos, etc.)
www.heikekuhlmann.blogspot.deAnything else you would like to communicate?
I love to research, asking questions or reflecting on the question which arised out of the dance. I like to connect CI with my daily life practice and see how to live principle of CI in my daily life. Reflecting of what CI brings to our life, society and how CI can be a transformative practice. I like to play, to perform, to have fun, but at the same time to be serious and to be able to switch suddendly from a performative mood to a therapeutic settings when needed.