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Search Results for "Nancy + Topf"

Search results for Author Names and Keywords in titles and subtitles of CQ articles in print and online; contents of articles online; and our Contact Editions catalog of books and dvds.

Articles in Print (26)
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf

Centerfold: Drawings by Kari Lindstrom
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf
by Melinda Buckwalter
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 36 - 37
Keeping It Simple in Complex Times
by Jen Harmon
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 34 - 35
The Body Is Round
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 40 - 40
Lesson 4: Spine and Pelvis Meet
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 28 - 32
Lesson 3: The Journey of the Psoas
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 24 - 27
In the Center
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 18 - 23
Lesson 2: Meeting Bones
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 15 - 17
Lesson 1: First Voices
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 11 - 14
Introduction: A Dialogue Among Images
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 10 - 10
Letter: The Writing Process
by Barbara Clark
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 9 - 9
Letter: Teaching New Ideas
by Barbara Clark
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 7 - 7
Faculty Report & Letter to Students
by Marsha Paludan
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 5 - 5
Release—A History
by Melinda Buckwalter
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf, p 3 - 6
An introduction to the practice of Topf Technique®
and Dynamic Anatomy
Excerpts from Topf’s unfinished manuscript
by Nancy Topf with Barbara Clark, Marsha Paludan, Melinda Buckwalter, and Jen Harmon
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf
CQ chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf
CQ Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer/Fall 2012, Chapbook 3: The Anatomy of Center by Nancy Topf
Game Structures: A Performance, 1980
by Nancy Topf
CQ Vol. 30 No. 1, Winter/Spring 2005, CQ, The Early Years: 1975-1987
Celebrating CQ's 30th Anniversary, p 30 - 31
Requiem (1995)
notes on a rehearsal process with Nancy Topf
writings and drawings by Kari Lindstrom
reflections on Nancy Topf's Spacewalk improvisation
by Jon Gibson, Loraine Corfield, Sophia Cowing, Melinda Buckwalter, and Ellynne Skove
Nancy Topf
October 29, 1942 – September 2, 1998
by Jena R. Schwartz
Remembering Nancy Topf
a tribute to Nancy Topf-Gibson (1942-1998)
writings by students, colleagues, family, and friends
Between Contact and Release
by Nancy Topf
CQ Vol. 23 No. 1, Winter/Spring 1998, Contact Improvisation's 25th Anniversary Issue, p 63 - 64
John Rolland Remembered
by Nancy Topf
One Day
A Dance
by Nancy Topf
CQ Vol. 9 No. 1, Fall 1983, The Children's Issue #1, p 10 - 13
Game Structures, a Performance
by Nancy Topf
CQ Vol. 5 No. 3/4, Spring/Summer 1980, Focus on Sports, p 20 - 22
Articles Online (6)
by Nancy Topf
CQ Article Gallery, Summer/Fall 2012
A Creative Workshop to Deconstruct Violence through Ideokinetic Practices in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
by Laura Ríos
"An Art Form of Lineage"
by Brendan McCall
the anatomy of center
by Hetty King
by Eva Karczag
Books (1)
The Anatomy of Center
by Nancy Topf with Hetty King

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P.O. Box 22
East Charleston, VT 05833

ph: 413-341-4113

site design by Ajitate
programming by Daniel Lepkoff
Contact Quarterly is the longest living, independent, artist-made, reader-supported magazine devoted to the dancer's voice in the field of contemporary dance and improvisation.

All content © 2023 Contact Collaborations, Inc.

images on banner from CQ covers
circle drawing courtesy George Manupelli

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